Opposing viewpoints


One of the members of the Senate GOP leadership says that the way the democrats handling the situation with the nomination of a new attorney general and immigration can possibly set the tone for the next congress.  Senator John barrasso commented on Fox News that president Obama would be making a huge mistake if he tries to change the immigration system on his own. He also said that its a mistake that Loretta lynch would a good candidate as the next attorney general when the democrats retain control of the senate. President Obama’s actions puts democrats in a situation where they have to decide whether if they should push nominations through the senate while they still retain control of the senate or wait till next year and a new GOP controlled senate will take office.

Barrasso questions if Lynch will be a good candidate for the attorney general and asked her questions about the planned executive action on immigration. After, president obama told that any actions on immigration will be Within the law. What republican Shelley Moore Capito had to say was that if we’re going to have hope, we need to begin a confirmation process for one of the most important jobs in the country and it starts with attorney general. Though the immigration conflict will be harder to  resolve, Obama vowed to act by years end on changes of the immigration changes. His first step is expected by providing temporary safe harbor for millions of people. Republicans says that a action like this will “poison the water” for corporation over the next two years.

Okay, first things first, when I started reading this article, I didn’t like Barrasso because he just doesn’t like Obama’s choices. That is his choice and if he thinks that it will benefit us all then so be it. Also, some of these republicans are super judgemental, lynch gets nominated for attorney general and she gets bombarded with complaints. Not cool

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