Documentary review of the golden door

The word immigration sounds okay or normal to some people but to the others, it’s not a great word. Immigration started way back in the 1400-1500s when Christopher Columbus came to America seeking new things. That’s what immigrants are doing now, they seek a new life, a new opportunity to start all over again. These people want peace, not war. Not all immigrants are going to be future terrorists, they are going to be a working citizen who desires the same objective that we all want, the American Dream where you’re able to make lots of money, have a loving family and succeed in life. Unfortunately, when these immigrants came to America, the expectations plummeted towards the ground.

One woman during the 1900s said, “I heard that the streets were paved with gold, but I learned 3 things. One, the streets weren’t paved with gold. Second, they weren’t paved at all and third, I had to pave them”. This is not what we Americans should force them to do. We can be so much better than this yet, we choose to think that they’re okay with working in these conditions instead of offering what they want. throughout this video, I kept seeing more immigrants living in these inhumane conditions and it’s scary to imagine how life was like back then. A man named Jacob Riis shares his story about how he was a immigrant and as he began to climb the ranks of society, he became a reporter and shared his story with the world.

When the immigrants came to the U.S., they were paid less than the people who were born there and were assigned with jobs based on their stereotypes. Like Italians were assigned with silver cleaning, Polish were assigned with meat packers and the Jews sold cigars. As more immigrants came, people began to fear them and it’s so sad on how it’s come to that way. When Columbus came to America, the “Indians” were fascinated when he arrived and shared their culture with him. Instead of giving these immigrants what they deserve, we give them hardships such as stereotypes, discrimination. We have learned how to fly, make cars and use electricity effeciantly yet, we can’t walk the earth as brothers and sisters.

Join the cause!

I know that there are tons of organizations that helps immigrants but I think this is a great organization to end with. This organization is called the ALIA (American immigration lawyer association). It is a national association of immigration lawyers formed to bring justice, advocate for fair and reasonable immigration law and policy, increase quatilities of these laws and practices, increase professional development of its members. They have two parts to their goals and it’s called their strategic goal. The first part is to increase the member participation in advocy because they believe that numbers will enforce how much they really care. They gather members before congress, judiciary, federal agencies and the media for the interests of their members based on immigration. The last part is increase the level of knowledge and professionalism  while fostering responsibility of their members. They assist members effectively and persueing the member’s law practice. They hope to enhance respect for immigration laws and recognition of the immigrants lawyers.

For my fellow advocates, there are tons of organizations that can help immigrants everywhere! One of these organizations is the ACLU (American civil liberties union). They are dedicated to expand and enforce civil rights,liberties for all immigrants while combating public, private discrimination against them. For 25 years, the organization has always been there for the immigrants on almost every major legal struggle, challenging laws that deny immigrant’s rights to court and etc. Also, the project has challenged constitutional abuses that arises from immigration enforcement at the federal, state and local levels. The project conducts the nation’s largest impact litigation program by protecting the rights of these immigrants, enforcing guarantees of the constitution and achieving equal justice of the law. The projects is currently fighting back anti-immigration laws in Arizona at the state, local levels. They are also fighting immigration detentions for in humane detention conditions while challenging the abusive immigration enforcement.

Join the cause!

Fellow advocates of immigration! We hear about many things about immigration and it sounds kinda intense and too dangerous to get involved with. There are lots of organizations that helps immigrants such as immigrantshelpingimmigrants. It’s a organization that helps immigrants out with financial, integration and social services. There are 3 ways you can Join as which is being a member, associate or affiliate and all three will eventually help you live the American dream. For the financial services, it helps their members with any kind of financial situation. Social services helps immigrants with anything that involves families and gives services from businesses such as day care. Integration services helps the immigrants about how this country works and where and how to apply to these services.

Opposing viewpoints

One of the members of the Senate GOP leadership says that the way the democrats handling the situation with the nomination of a new attorney general and immigration can possibly set the tone for the next congress.  Senator John barrasso commented on Fox News that president Obama would be making a huge mistake if he tries to change the immigration system on his own. He also said that its a mistake that Loretta lynch would a good candidate as the next attorney general when the democrats retain control of the senate. President Obama’s actions puts democrats in a situation where they have to decide whether if they should push nominations through the senate while they still retain control of the senate or wait till next year and a new GOP controlled senate will take office.

Barrasso questions if Lynch will be a good candidate for the attorney general and asked her questions about the planned executive action on immigration. After, president obama told that any actions on immigration will be Within the law. What republican Shelley Moore Capito had to say was that if we’re going to have hope, we need to begin a confirmation process for one of the most important jobs in the country and it starts with attorney general. Though the immigration conflict will be harder to  resolve, Obama vowed to act by years end on changes of the immigration changes. His first step is expected by providing temporary safe harbor for millions of people. Republicans says that a action like this will “poison the water” for corporation over the next two years.

Okay, first things first, when I started reading this article, I didn’t like Barrasso because he just doesn’t like Obama’s choices. That is his choice and if he thinks that it will benefit us all then so be it. Also, some of these republicans are super judgemental, lynch gets nominated for attorney general and she gets bombarded with complaints. Not cool

annotated bibliography

About Us.” Homepage. N.P.,n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014
The USCIS (U.S. citizenship and immigration services) is a government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States. Their goals are granting immigration and citizenships benefits. The agency was created roughly around 1891 and ever since then, they have been enhancing the security and efficiency of national immigration services.
“Immigration in Georgia.” Immigration Policy Center. N.p. n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014
The IPC is a research and policy arm of the American immigration council and to shape immigration and immigration integration. The agency provides policymakers, the media and the general public with info about the role of immigrants and its policy. Unlike most agencies, the IPC works to make sure that the fact is separated from fiction.
“ICE.” ICE.NP., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014
ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) enforces federal laws governing border control, customs, trade and immigration to promote homeland security and public safety. Established a little bit over ten years ago, it was established as one of the three DHS agencies charged with administrating the nation’s immigration system. It was created based on the recognition that global threats have become more dangerous.
“U.S. Immigration.” US Naturalization and Immigration, Citizenship Application, US Visas. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014
This website is not a governing agency instead it is a customer agency for future American citizens. It has three parts that you can apply through which are citizenship, green card and U.S. visas. For the US citizenship, you can apply online and even take a test review online. You can also apply for a green card which you will become a U.S. lawful permanent resident and you can get a temporary U.S. visa when visiting the U.S.
“, Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna, P.C.” US Immigration Lawyer, Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna, PC, Rajiv S.Khanna. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
Law offices of Rajiv S. Khanna, P.C is one of the top immigration law firms in the United States and provides immigration help to clients. The focus is on business and professional immigration matter and complex immigration cases. Since 1993, he has been focused his practice on employment and business-based immigration and related administrative and federal litigation.
“USDOJ: Executive Office for Immigration Review.” USDOJ: Executive Office for Immigration Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
EOIR (Executive Office for Immigration Review) is a government agency where settles immigration cases by fairly interpreting and administering the nation’s immigration laws. It primarily decides whether foreign born individuals with violating immigration law, should be removed from the states or be granted relief from removal and remain in the country. Since January 9, 1983, the office has been conducting immigration cases in fifty-nine different courts nationwide.

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Janet Napolitano gives support behind executive action

Former homeland security secretary Janet Napolitano supports executive action by using President Obama to change immigration policy If congress refuses to act and perform its duties. She spoke ahead with the Washington post interviewer about her speech on Monday in Georgia about the heated internal administration debate over the 2012 DACA program. It began by Obama over intense objections from conservatives and that it deferred the deportations of 580,000 young immigrants brought to the U.S. Illegally. In the speech, she describes the complicated debate in 2012 and how she was thrown at with tough questions while the department of homeland security questioned if the program was strong enough to overcome the government’s ability to implement it.

Napolitano admits that there were some concerns but she later questioned, “who knew how it would all turn out?” and her perspective is definitely relevant on whether the admistration should take further executive action on immigration including with a possible major expansion of the relief program. With the immigration law dead on Capitol hill, Obama promised to act on his own by summers end and the administration have been preparing to ensure the immigrants that they can stay without the fear of deportation. But lately, the administration have only proven informed lawmaker’s point that Obama delayed any action until november’s midterm election. Napolitano didn’t say her opinions about Obama’s decision but “should he choose he act, the DACA program provides a good Petri dish on how you set it up, the budget stuff and all those nuts and bolts”.

The 2012 decision was congress’ failure to pass the dream act two years earlier which would’ve given legal status and a path to citizenship to the dreamers. Initially, Napolitano says in her speech, she was unsure whether the DHS was capable of handling the executive response by the administration. But then she said that the dreamers are entangled in the sputtering debate over the reform. She then asked her team what they can do with the dreamers, her team responded that they can only delay deportations from dreamers.

Obama administration launches large-scale executive amnesty


The USCIS(U.S. Citizenship And immigration services) Issued a draft solicitation For bids and says that potential sellers needs to be capable of handling a surge of 9 million ID cards in one year. This will all support possible Future immigration reform Initiative requirements. The agency says that they will need a minimum of 4 million cards but just in case for the scenario of the upcoming “surge” in 2016, it will need an additional 5 million cards and making the grand the total of 9 million. For each ordering period, the guaranteed minimum is 4 million but their contract has a maximum of 34 million cards.
All of the materials needed to make the green cards and Employment authorization documentations are all used to put President Obama’s Deferred action for childhood arrivals program.

Jessica vaughan, a former state department official and An immigration expert says that The document suggests a program with extraordinary extent. The RFP Indicates that The president is contemplating an enormous executive action That is more expansive than the plan that congress rejected in the Gang of Eight bill. Last year, Vaughan reviewed the Gang of Eight bill’s provisions and it was estimated that it would double legal immigration. In the surge of 2016, the 4 million cards would be more than doubled meaning that the Agency is preparing for a huge increase of 125% it’s normal annual output.

Vaughan says that the Surge is definitely related To potential changes in immigration policy and the documents will show That it can handle The potential surge in 2016. A year ago, a plan being added to the immigration bill would be possible but after this summer’s events, a new immigration bill being made is highly unlikely. Although, it is giving credibility to The possibility the move Is in preparation for an executive action. This is a great plan but initially preparing 4 million ID cards and EADs is extremely hard. For example, the first two years that Obama launched DACA, only 600,000 people were approved by the USCIS under the program. Statistics showed that the USCIS’s website has only Processed about 862,000 total EADs in June. Vaughan says the EADs are under investigation as a tool used by the Obama Administration to provide legalization For groups of aliens who doesn’t have a green card. Not only providing Government approval to work for immigrants, it is also making the cards affordable. The price goes from 1000 dollars to 450 dollars And the EADs gives aliens rights to social services and obtaining an drivers license.

Harvard students is allowed to come home



Dario Guerrero, a 21 year old Harvard student who is also an illegal immigrant moved with his family from Mexico to California when he was 2 years old. Thanks to the Obama administration, he was granted a reprieve from deportation 2 years ago along with other immigrants. In August, he heard that his mother was dying of cancer and with the treatments in the U.S. were failing, he found alternative clinic treatments for his mother in Mexico. He left the country with his mother, hoping to keep her alive. He believes that he did the right thing even though he broke a rule about leaving the U.S. without federal authorization.

Unfortunately, his mother died weeks later but instead of studying, he was stuck at his grandparent’s house in Mexico City, hoping to persuade the U.S. government to let him come home. He sent an initial request to get permission but they denied it so his lawyer, Alan Klein asked for a special humanitarian parole. It is only granted if there is a urgent humanitarian reason or  significant public benefit. The officials refused to talk about the case because it is ongoing but one of spokesman said that the immigration law is complex. Guerrero told that he sent in 2 fast tracked papers requesting permission to leave but was to fully document his mother’s condition and he could tried  to plead his case but he left instead. He said that he regrets his actions but if he delayed the treatment any longer, he wouldn’t have forgiven himself.