Documentary review of the golden door

The word immigration sounds okay or normal to some people but to the others, it’s not a great word. Immigration started way back in the 1400-1500s when Christopher Columbus came to America seeking new things. That’s what immigrants are doing now, they seek a new life, a new opportunity to start all over again. These people want peace, not war. Not all immigrants are going to be future terrorists, they are going to be a working citizen who desires the same objective that we all want, the American Dream where you’re able to make lots of money, have a loving family and succeed in life. Unfortunately, when these immigrants came to America, the expectations plummeted towards the ground.

One woman during the 1900s said, “I heard that the streets were paved with gold, but I learned 3 things. One, the streets weren’t paved with gold. Second, they weren’t paved at all and third, I had to pave them”. This is not what we Americans should force them to do. We can be so much better than this yet, we choose to think that they’re okay with working in these conditions instead of offering what they want. throughout this video, I kept seeing more immigrants living in these inhumane conditions and it’s scary to imagine how life was like back then. A man named Jacob Riis shares his story about how he was a immigrant and as he began to climb the ranks of society, he became a reporter and shared his story with the world.

When the immigrants came to the U.S., they were paid less than the people who were born there and were assigned with jobs based on their stereotypes. Like Italians were assigned with silver cleaning, Polish were assigned with meat packers and the Jews sold cigars. As more immigrants came, people began to fear them and it’s so sad on how it’s come to that way. When Columbus came to America, the “Indians” were fascinated when he arrived and shared their culture with him. Instead of giving these immigrants what they deserve, we give them hardships such as stereotypes, discrimination. We have learned how to fly, make cars and use electricity effeciantly yet, we can’t walk the earth as brothers and sisters.

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