Janet Napolitano gives support behind executive action


Former homeland security secretary Janet Napolitano supports executive action by using President Obama to change immigration policy If congress refuses to act and perform its duties. She spoke ahead with the Washington post interviewer about her speech on Monday in Georgia about the heated internal administration debate over the 2012 DACA program. It began by Obama over intense objections from conservatives and that it deferred the deportations of 580,000 young immigrants brought to the U.S. Illegally. In the speech, she describes the complicated debate in 2012 and how she was thrown at with tough questions while the department of homeland security questioned if the program was strong enough to overcome the government’s ability to implement it.

Napolitano admits that there were some concerns but she later questioned, “who knew how it would all turn out?” and her perspective is definitely relevant on whether the admistration should take further executive action on immigration including with a possible major expansion of the relief program. With the immigration law dead on Capitol hill, Obama promised to act on his own by summers end and the administration have been preparing to ensure the immigrants that they can stay without the fear of deportation. But lately, the administration have only proven informed lawmaker’s point that Obama delayed any action until november’s midterm election. Napolitano didn’t say her opinions about Obama’s decision but “should he choose he act, the DACA program provides a good Petri dish on how you set it up, the budget stuff and all those nuts and bolts”.

The 2012 decision was congress’ failure to pass the dream act two years earlier which would’ve given legal status and a path to citizenship to the dreamers. Initially, Napolitano says in her speech, she was unsure whether the DHS was capable of handling the executive response by the administration. But then she said that the dreamers are entangled in the sputtering debate over the reform. She then asked her team what they can do with the dreamers, her team responded that they can only delay deportations from dreamers.

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