Obama administration launches large-scale executive amnesty



The USCIS(U.S. Citizenship And immigration services) Issued a draft solicitation For bids and says that potential sellers needs to be capable of handling a surge of 9 million ID cards in one year. This will all support possible Future immigration reform Initiative requirements. The agency says that they will need a minimum of 4 million cards but just in case for the scenario of the upcoming “surge” in 2016, it will need an additional 5 million cards and making the grand the total of 9 million. For each ordering period, the guaranteed minimum is 4 million but their contract has a maximum of 34 million cards.
All of the materials needed to make the green cards and Employment authorization documentations are all used to put President Obama’s Deferred action for childhood arrivals program.

Jessica vaughan, a former state department official and An immigration expert says that The document suggests a program with extraordinary extent. The RFP Indicates that The president is contemplating an enormous executive action That is more expansive than the plan that congress rejected in the Gang of Eight bill. Last year, Vaughan reviewed the Gang of Eight bill’s provisions and it was estimated that it would double legal immigration. In the surge of 2016, the 4 million cards would be more than doubled meaning that the Agency is preparing for a huge increase of 125% it’s normal annual output.

Vaughan says that the Surge is definitely related To potential changes in immigration policy and the documents will show That it can handle The potential surge in 2016. A year ago, a plan being added to the immigration bill would be possible but after this summer’s events, a new immigration bill being made is highly unlikely. Although, it is giving credibility to The possibility the move Is in preparation for an executive action. This is a great plan but initially preparing 4 million ID cards and EADs is extremely hard. For example, the first two years that Obama launched DACA, only 600,000 people were approved by the USCIS under the program. Statistics showed that the USCIS’s website has only Processed about 862,000 total EADs in June. Vaughan says the EADs are under investigation as a tool used by the Obama Administration to provide legalization For groups of aliens who doesn’t have a green card. Not only providing Government approval to work for immigrants, it is also making the cards affordable. The price goes from 1000 dollars to 450 dollars And the EADs gives aliens rights to social services and obtaining an drivers license.

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